baby on board

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Baby vs. Baby

Last night we took Genevieve for a brief visit to a relative's house where they were having a party. Everyone commented on what a cute girl we had and asked how old she was. We, ever the proud parents, said "Three months tomorrow." After hearing these words the most enquirers' jaw's dropped and they would quietly add something along the lines of "She's a big girl."

There was a one-year-old at the party. He weighed 20 pounds and was only a few inches taller. Carrie thinks Genevieve could have taken him in a fight but I think the lack of locomotion really puts her at a disadvantage. She is only about 4 pounds shy of a one year old. She weighed 15 pounds less than a three-year-old at the party but I wasn't concerned about that.

The official weigh-in is tomorrow when Carrie takes her for her 3-month checkup.


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