baby on board

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Regular just isn't in her vocabulary

In order to get the system in working order Carrie didn't just give Genevieve a laxative. She also gave her a bottle of prune juice. Genevieve normally starts her day with a nice warm bottle of milk. Boy was she surprised when she took a sip. Carrie said her eyes kind of bugged out for a second.

Whether it was the prunes or the laxatives isn't clear but it certainly got things moving again. She didn't poop again on Friday but today was a triple-play. Three large smelly poops today. I guess if you back the system up for a week it can't come out all at once. We'll see what she has in store for us tomorrow. I just hope we don't get a repeat of this on our flight down to Georgia. It is bad enough that she is going to be the crying-baby on the airplane. She doesn't have to be stinky crying baby on the plane too. If we have to change one of her diapers on the plane they might have to make an unscheduled stop in order to get some fresh air into the cabin.



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