baby on board

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Please Sir, Can I Have Some More?

Genevieve has always been a polite child. From an early age she said, "Thank you" She wasn't sure of its meaning as she used it both when she received something and when she offered something. There isn't a much more comical site than to watch her holding a toy in her out stretched arm demanding, "THANK YOU" so that you'll take it from her. However, she's added a few more words to her repertoire.

In addition to 'thank you' she has learned 'you're welcome'. For her, however, it is more often a one word phrase of 'Yrwelcome' or just 'WELLcome' or held out even longer like a Jim Henson monster 'WELLCOMMMMMME'. She'll say it when you say it; she'll sometimes say it when you say 'thank you'; sometimes she'll just run around saying it.

'Please' or in her case, 'peeez' is said when she wants something and we aren't getting it quickly enough. This too is more of a demand than a request.

She's also learned that when someone sneezes you say 'bless you'. This one she's got a pretty good grasp on. She says it when she hears people sneeze in restaurants or in stores. The amusing part is that I more often hear her 'bless you' than the original sneeze. She hasn't quite learned to filter out background noise and will often say things like: 'choo choo', 'airplane' and 'woof woof' without you hearing the noise that triggered the word. There is certainly nothing wrong with her hearing.

She has also learned to say, 'some'. She used to say 'more' when she wanted something but that seems be yesterday's word and 'some' is what's hot. She'll see you drinking, "some. some! some!! SOME!!!!". She'll see you eating some cereal "somesomesomesome!!!!"

She still won't say any of these words on command but rather on her own spontaneity. Last night at dinner we didn't refill her bowl quickly enough and she started waving her empty bowl in the air saying, "Empty. Some. Some. Peeez. Peez." Oliver Twist she's not but she certainly is cute.


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