baby on board

Sunday, March 27, 2005

So many firsts....

So far this weekend has been incredibly eventful for little baby Genevieve. She took her first flight in an airplane. This turned out to be oddly uneventful. She didn't cry at all and many people commented on how good she was. We were prepared and made sure she was drinking a bottle at take off and landing. Unfortunately we didn't think to change her during the flight and while waiting for our luggage her diaper runneth over.

She went to her first restaurant. She slept through most of the meal and then woke up and was pissed during the rest of the meal. We tried this again the next day and she screamed through the entire meal. Carrie and I took turns sitting with her in the lobby.

She went to her first wedding. There, again, she screamed through almost the entire affair. Fortunately her grandfather took her outside so she couldn't ruin it. You could hear her screaming from the lobby until she was taken outside.

She slept through her first thunderstorm. There was lightning flashing and thunder booming but little Genevieve slept through almost the entire storm until one particularly loud clap woke her at 3:45 AM. We gave her half a bottle of milk and she went back to sleep.

Most of the crankiness has to do with the traveling. She hasn't been able to nap for as long as she would like due to the amount of visiting she is required to do. She has been going in and out of cars all day, everyday, to visit one relative or another. She met her Aunt Julie and Uncle Jim for the first time and screamed just about the entire time but when they watched her the next night she slept like a little sweetheart.

A good bit of the crankiness can be attributed to the weather. She was not prepared for the heat; nor, I guess were we. At the wedding she started the party in a pretty frilly pink dress with long sleeves with her white onsey underneath. The 80 degree weather didn't agree with her and she sweated up a storm. We swapped out the pink dress for a thin short sleeved purple one. This was still too much and she ended up spending the rest of the day in her onsey. She was much happier then and even napped a bit.

Not all of her firsts made her cranky. Carrie's father took Genevieve for her first tractor ride. She really enjoyed it and tried to take the wheel a few times. I don't know what it is with kids and steering wheels. They don't look all that inviting but every kid just wants to grab them as if they were painted in bright colors and made of candy.



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