baby on board

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Turnip the Volume

Sophie had her 21-month check-up yesterday. She is 34-1/2" tall (90th percentile) and 27-5/8 pounds (75th percentile). Genevieve was a little bigger at this point but Sophie still gets a lot of she's-so-tall comments. I think Sophie looks taller because she is thinner than G at this age. Probably comes from the inability to sit still.

On a different note, our CSA share for the year started yesterday!!! I have been looking forward to fresh , "home-grown" produce since it stopped last year. Apparently our love of fresh produce has rubbed off on the kids. I was chopping some of the Japanese white salad turnips when Sophie started begging for some. I gave her a small piece and went back to chopping. She then began yelling, "MORE!" at me and was eating them faster than I could cut them into bite size pieces. To her credit they were pretty good; like a juicy, earthy apple. We almost finished the entire bunch. That's what most kids eat for dinner, right?


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