baby on board

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Latest and Greatest

I know we haven't been posting very much lately, but it is definitely not because there is nothing going on. Genevieve is now walking pretty well, although she still prefers to crawl when she feels the need for speed. She has a new tooth (a molar). She still says "NO!" a lot, but has now mixed in a few meows for flavor. She likes to climb things and is determined to bring down my baker's rack along with everything on it.

We will be spending our first weekend away from Genevieve this coming weekend. I think I am much more upset about it than she is. It's funny how taking a break from the kids sounds so much better in theory than in practice. I'm not sure what I'm more worried about - will she cry incessantly and have abandonment issues for the rest of her life, or will she be absolutely fine and not miss us at all?

In other Genevieve news, we are working on ways to get her to stop throwing food onto the floor. She will take a large handful of food, hold it over the edge of her highchair, and then look you straight in the eye and say "Uh-oh!" as she drops the food to the floor. A book suggested that we stop the meal immediately when she does this so she will learn that if she wants to eat, she must behave. This works great, except for the fact that if Genevieve just wants to get out of her highchair she will throw food on the floor. She will also attempt (well, not attempt so much as actually do) to throw food on the floor when you're not looking, and then pretend that she didn't do it. I see this as foreshadowing of the years to come. Better sign up for that "How to Spank Your Kids without Going to Jail" class now.


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