baby on board

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hobgoblin of Little Minds

We knew that we weren't looking forward to the sleepless nights of dealing with a newborn but at the same point in time we figured we were quite prepared. Sure, the construction on Genevieve's room isn't finished so she and Sophie are still both sleeping in the nursery but we still felt we were quite prepared. Sure, our bedroom is full of furniture from Genevieve's room but we really felt quite prepared. Sure, Carrie had been given clothing and baby gear from three separate people who had boys of varying ages so we didn't need to buy anything certainly we were justified in our feeling of preparedness. Beside, we already had two kids and knew everything that was in store for us so clearly we were ready.



We both assumed that Carrie would need to be induced and the baby would be coming at the end of this week or the beginning of next week consequently nothing was really setup in the house. Not only that: we had gone apple picking and to the farmers market the day she went into labor. I was in the process of making fresh pesto and apple butter when Carrie notified me that we were heading to the hospital. I spent half of the first day cleaning up the mess I had made the day before. There were filthy pots and dishes all over the kitchen. My apple butter ended up as just apple sauce because for some reason I felt spending 1.5 hours reducing the sauce wasn't a good use of my time. It was also Columbus day so both girls were out of school leaving me no free time to really do stuff. With the help of my parents I was able to get enough space cleared in my room for a cradle. We cleared my desk off as a temporary changing table and voila instant nursery. Carrie on the other hand was abandoned at the hospital. Sure she had a team of nurses to help her out but I didn't come and visit her until 3PM the following day. Boy, what a crappy dad!

The following day I didn't visit until Carrie and Jonah were released from the hospital as I spent my time bathing the kids bringing G to school and buying last minute baby needs. Sophie was pleased when Carrie came home as she was able to put her down for a nap. Carrie and Jonah spent an easy afternoon at home while I ran around trying to step into her shoes. Pickup G from school, get the CSA produce, go to ballet class (not mine) however this is all just build-up to the first night.

We put the kids to bed a little earlier than usual (they needed it) and proceeded to get ourselves ready for bed. Although there was the need for a full outfit and crib sheet change as he is so little his diapers keep slipping off. By 9 PM we were in bed feeding time lasted until about 10 PM. I, fortunately, was half unconscious. The next 2 hours are a blur of screaming and crying. I'm not sure if it was Carrie or Jonah as I was dozing but my money is on the boy because I'm pretty sure I heard the sounds of a wounded pterodactyl.

By midnight Carrie's given up as basically he feeds, passes out and then wakes within 10 minutes of being put in the cradle. I take over and walk him around for a bit. That puts him right out. Clearly I'm a great dad. I put him in into the cradle and crawl into bed. Before I can even pull the covers up the wailing begins. I try this process again but with the same results. Clearly this kid needs more attention. So, baby in arms I sit myself down in front of the computer and type for the next 2 hours with the iTunes blaring a mix of lullabies and Pink Floyd. He sleeps until a little after 2 AM when it is time for another feeding. I tag Carrie in and by 2:30 I'm out. Around 5 AM I hear crying and Carrie tells me that it is my turn again. So, here I am with probably about 4 hours of sleep and the other kids are bound to wake up in another 60 minutes or so to start it all over again.

The painter finished yesterday so I can spend half the day moving furniture around and getting my room back. Perhaps the nursery will be ready by next week though if this is going to be the schedule for the next few weeks I'm pretty sure he'll be staying in our room. At this point I really understand why people have co-sleepers or sleep with their baby.

and that folks is the way it was.....


  • At 7:32 PM, Blogger J. Burns said…

    lmao, Sounds like my first 4 or 5 months with Johnathon.


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