baby on board

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


You know it's going to be a good day when your child's teacher tells you that she needs to tell you something, but don't worry, everything is ok now...

The weather was nice yesterday so Sophie's class got to play outside in their playground. Sophie and a friend were sticking their legs through some bars on one of the play sets, laughing and having a good time. The friend got up to do something else and that was when Sophie noticed that she was stuck and couldn't get one of her legs out. Sophie informed her teachers and they calmly tried to pull her leg out. They quickly realized that Sophie was really stuck and they needed some help. After a lot of shouting someone came out with some lotion and they coated Sophie's leg with it. This did the trick and the teachers were able to free Sophie.

The funny part of the story was that while the teacher was clearly still upset by the experience, Sophie clearly was not. Apparently she never cried and calmly talked and laughed with the teachers the whole time. She came out of the experience without a mark on her and couldn't even remember which leg it happened to. Which brings me to the other funny part, which is: this is Sophie. I'm not saying that I expected her to get her leg stuck at school but I certainly wasn't surprised. Some times shenanigans just happen.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Read to Me

Jonah's version of his bedtime story:

Two Cute

Jonah turned two a few weeks ago and celebrated by eating a lot of cake. Today he had his two-year check-up where he had a finger prick blood test, two shots, a hearing test and a vision test. Jonah expressed his displeasure at every event during his exam but the doctor was impressed at how quickly he would calm himself down so he could ask if it was time for him to get his sticker. Even after the painful finger prick he immediately stopped crying after the band-aid was applied and proudly showed the nurse his "sticker".

The stats:

Height: 35-3/4" (75th percentile)
Weight: 28 lbs. 10 oz. (55th percentile)
Head - bigger (60th percentile)

Here are a few pictures of Jonah enjoying two of his favorite activities: eating and making a mess: