baby on board

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Eating Crow

It seems that I owe Genevieve an apology. She proved to me today that being "just cute" is just fine, thank you very much.

Today we went to Baby's R Us to pick up mittens and look at things that are very cute but in the end are probably a waste of money. While checking out the latest clearance items, a sales associate walked over to me and told me what an adorable baby Genevieve is. She then said that she would like to take Genevieve's picture to use as a promo for their photo studio. I would get a free 8 X 10 for doing this.

Proof that I've been living in New York too long: the first thing that popped into my mind was, "There's got to be some horrible catch where she is going to annoy me to no end to buy more photos or I am going to come out of this missing a kidney." Well, it turns out that there wasn't a horrible catch and I have the free 8 X 10 to prove it.

Ok, Genevieve. It seems that being cute may get you far in life. I guess that will have to do.

For now.

Monday, October 24, 2005



Sunday, October 16, 2005

On the midnight train to Georgia


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Baby Needs a Brand New Bag

Genevieve had her 10-month check-up last week. Here are her new stats:

Height: 29-3/4" tall (95th percentile)
Weight: 23 pounds (90th percentile)
Head Circumference: 75th percentile

Genevieve is no longer growing at lightning speed and is no longer the biggest off-the-charts baby ever. Because of this I've been trying to encourage Genevieve to come up with a new shtick that will differentiate her from all of the other babies out there. (Note to the Grandparents - yes, I know she is still the cutest baby ever, but that and $.50 will just get her a pack of gum.)

Here are a few of the ideas I've been pushing on her so far:

First person to figure out cold fusion before 1st birthday
First baby to learn to walk on her hands before her feet
First baby to clearly enunciate, "Excuse me, but you are invading my personal space." to every little old lady that grabs her thighs or pinches her checks
First baby to change her own diaper (My personal favorite)

So far none of my ideas are going over very well, but I'm not giving up. She's already figured out the wonders of velcro and airplane seatbelts - clearly this is a sign of impending genius.


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Young Beethoven

Can't these people see I'm trying to work here?!? It's so hard being an artist.
