baby on board

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sophie Vs. The Eye Doctor

Sophie had an eye doctor appointment this past weekend.  Apparently giving eye exams to younger children can be difficult and they wanted to make sure that everything would be alright.  So they called in advance with some questions.

"Is your child able to recognize her letters?"   - Not a problem here.
"Will we be able to understand the answers your child gives?"  -  Again, no issue.

They failed to ask what turned out to be a very important question.   Can your child sit still and not play with our equipment?

Optometrical equipment is incredibly configurable to allow them to home in on the perfect prescription for your eyes.  This means that it has lots of switches and knobs.  Sophie, who is incapable of keeping her hands to herself, couldn't stop helping.

The doctor would move a piece of equipment to be in front of one eye.  Sophie would move it back to the center.   Repeat.

The doctor would ask Sophie the smallest line that she could read.  When she read it back the doctor looked confused and found that Sophie had switched the charts to a different setting.

The doctor would turn one dial on one side of the machine while Sophie twisted a different dial on the other side of the machine.

I'm guessing they don't have these problems with other children but perhaps now they will start asking this question ahead of future examinations.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Sophie and I decided to make waffles this morning.  Jonah helped make batter by measuring and mixing.  He also asked if he could crack an egg. I told him yes but before I could come to help him he had already finished perfectly cracking the egg right into the cup.  For toppings we had whipped cream, strawberries and maple syrup.  Jonah felt that there was another topping that he wanted.  He prowled around the kitchen with a mischievous look muttering "what do I want."  I assumed that he was just being silly as he is wont to do.  I suggested confectioners sugar but that was apparently wrong.  Eventually he found what he was looking for: a box of rice krispies.  I'm not sure what is wrong with that boy.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

What is wrong with my kids?

Today while Carrie was prepping dinner Sophie and Jonah were playing outside.  As soon as Jonah came back in he sniffed the air and said, "I want some garlic.  Can I have some garlic?"  Carrie informed him that she had already put it all into the pot and that there was none left.  He burst into tears lamenting the fact that he wanted some garlic.  She offered him some raw onion and bell pepper as a consolation prize.  He gladly accepted.  Sophie, not to be left out, was also given her own bowl of raw peppers and onions.  The two happily munched away with no more tears.

Saturday, November 02, 2013


At lunch today, Sophie asked Carrie what the word intelligence means.  After giving her an explanation Sophie declared "I think you and Daddy are intelligent."  To which Jonah replied, "I am the intelligent.  I am the best smarter.  Mommy, I don't think you are intelligent; you don't sound it."  This from the kid who still won't differentiate between potatoes and tomatoes.  He sure loves tomato chips.  He also likes eating in restaurnauts especially Biggadonalds.  The funny part about Biggadonalds is that he knows the proper word is McDonalds and he gets really mad if we say Biggadonalds.  We know he can pronounce the word because he sings the song about the farm just fine.  That kid is clearly too much smarter.